Thursday, October 1, 2009

"crude reality check"

Rewind back to summer of 2001 when regular gas was at its lowest (that I have seen being alive)... $0.85 per gallon! It was no sweat filling up the tank of my long gone Honda CRX. The car was so small and light, it only took me under five minutes to top it off. Well that was 8 years ago, and coughing up $30.00 to fill a tank is a norm nowadays.

This morning driving up to work, a small sports car caught my attention. So curious of such a beauty that I had to elude traffic to see it up close. Alas, a red Tesla Roadster. So amazing that my heart skipped as it did seeing a 4x5 large format camera (and just today holding a medium format camera called Hasselblad, a.k.a. "Hassy"). It was magical to see this car running California wide roads (well, not really cause it sat in traffic and I was in the carpool lane) versus just seeing it on magazine stands. Could it be for real... a sports car with a rocket ELECTRIC engine?!? Indeed it is!

Soon my excitement went away as I recollected my childhood days: What happened to flying cars ala "Jetsons"? Interactive cars like the ones in "Judge Dredd", "AI", or "Fifth Element"? Or better yet Marty McFly's garbage eating, time travelling GMC Delaurian? All I can do is hope and dream these childhood fantasies for now. Who knows, going "Green" maybe the first step to the future.

New cars maybe cool and hot, but older cars still tickle my fancy. It's just like wine... the older the better.

... and don't count out the trusty metal to metal transportation that can save you $$$ which I think is a win win situation; It cuts your gas expenses, it preserves your sanity from crazy drivers, no way will you get pulled over from sending text messages and not using a bluetooth, and you get to treat Mother Earth with care.

You decide... costly new cars, expensive vintage wheels, or go "Metro"? Happy travelling!

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