pretending to be holding an slr
Some people are photographers... and some are just born photographers :)
I've caught myself a lot of times where my life revolves in photography... and I would like to share them, as I think (and hope) that I am not the only one.
10 Things Photography Has Affected Your Mind:
10. You have forgotten to hold/operate a point and shoot camera,
9. Buying film is more important than that yummy breakfast burrito,
8. You browse through magazines understanding the light positions
7. You only care about catch lights
6. You meet someone, and you try to find an 18% gray in their face or clothing
5. You look up at the sun/sky, and pretend your eyes are aperture blades from f/2.8 to f/32
4. When asked how you maintain your flawless skin, you answer "A little bit of cloning, unsharp mask @ 50%, and 50% high pass" <-- for Photoshop nerds
3. You agitate your water bottle like a film canister
2. You dream of 4x5's, 35mm's, medium formats, and large formats
1. You call your special someone either of these names: Hassy, Canon, or Nikon <-- this has yet to happen :)
Happy shooting all!
This is great! I love this bcuz I can relate to alot of those.